Letchworth Festival has something for everyone!

The Festival is an opportunity for Letchworth's many clubs and organisations to demonstrate their talents.

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Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Letchworth Festival did not take place in 2020 and 2021.

Letchworth Festival 2022 is now in the planning stages for a month long festival starting Saturday 28 May. Watch this space... Details coming soon.

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Letchworth Festival is looking for a new Treasurer

The role of Treasurer is currently vacant within the Letchworth Festival steering committee.

Piggy Bank We're a friendly bunch of unpaid volunteers, and we find it most rewarding to be involved in organising this popular community event.

If you have the skills to be treasurer for our relatively small budget and few transactions, and you'd like to help with organising Letchworth's summer festival, then please get in touch right away.

Team Work Seeking volunteers

Letchworth Festival is organised by volunteers. We need new volunteers each year to take over from those that inevitably step down from time to time.

As well as general helpers, we're looking for a few people who could coordinate an aspect of the festival, for example the opening parade, or a fun-day, or a day of dance. No experience necessary, and do as much or as little as you want.

If you would like to help out this year then please get in touch.

Some Photos from the Festival...

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Click here to see the 2017 Festival photo gallery.

file upload Send us your Festival Photos

Upload your photos of Letchworth Festival events and we'll feature as many as we can here on the website.

Click here to upload your photos.

feedbackWhat do you think of the Festival?

Have you been to a Letchworth Festival event? If so, we'd like to know what you thought.
We want to make the Festival better every year. Help us by giving your feedback and suggestions.

Click here to give feedback...

Website by Matt Heaton